How do I tell my significant other I want a divorce? (Oct 2017) Como le digo a mi pareja que quiero divorciarme?
How and what do I tell my children that their parents have decided to get a divorce? (Sep 2017)
What If I or my spouse are not on the same page; one of us wants a divorce but the other does not? (Aug 2017) Que pasa si mi esposo y yo no acordamos en el divorcio, uno de nosotros lo quiere y el otro no, la peticion de divorcio?
What is the best way to communicate with my significant other during a divorce? (Jul 2017)
Would any counselor be okay to see or should they hold specific qualifications? (Jun 2017)
What things should I or my child write down prior to seeing a professional for the first time? (May 2017)
What if my family or friends do not support me and my choice to get a divorce? (Apr 2017)
How do I know if the relationship with my ex, or their family, is negative or unhealthy? (Mar 2017)
Is it okay to end all contact with my ex or his/her family after the divorce is finalized? (Mar 2017) Que pasa si no quiero hablar con mi esposo o esposa ahora que el divorcio ha comenzado
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